#77 Libby Lyman: Allowing Horses to Think
May 11, 2023
Libby Lyman was recommended to me by several people to interview for the podcast- I'm so glad they did and that she said yes! Sit back and enjoy this conversation we delve into an idea she learned from Harry Whitney called The Free Search, and a unique perspective on fear- and of course, much more 😊.
Watch the Interview
Listen to the Interview (you can also find it anywhere you like to listen to podcasts by searching for A Learner's Journey).
Learn more about Harry Whitney
If you're intrigued with the things Libby shared, make sure to also check out the interviews with Tom Moates and Ross Jacobs (2 of Harry Whitney's top students).
Tom Moates interview Watch it Listen to it
Ross Jacobs interview Watch it Listen to it