#83 The Final Post and Podcast... For Now

Sep 14, 2023

It's a bit surreal to be writing this today. 

I imagined not too long ago that Shine a Light was something I'd be doing for a very long time. I'm 2.5 years in and the road has turned and after fighting it for several months I've come to the decision to follow the turn in the road and bring the Shine a Light chapter to a close for now. 

Amidst the bursts of fear and "what are you doing?" messages, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and accomplishment. I set out to shine a light on a variety of horse women and men almost 3 years ago- and I've accomplished what I set out to do- just not for as long as I thought it would be... 

If you're reading this, please hear me when I type to you- THANK YOU. Thank you for being a part of this adventure. 

I don't know where the road leads at this point... maybe our paths will cross again. 

If you'd like to hear a bit more about how this all came to be- I recorded a final podcast episode with more details. 

Click here to listen to it

Click here to watch it

If you have a course through Shine a Light Productions with continuous access (Start of Liberty, Heart of Liberty, or Winning Your Horse's Heart. Access to the courses will stay the same until the end of 2023. At that point the access will change but you'll still have access. Emails will come your way with info on how to get in in 2024. 

Thank you again! 



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